The Heirs - Chapter 1 Preview
"Dragon King?” Dovik stated as if he didn’t quite hear Moq correctly. “I was under the impression that dragons were a myth.” “So were we until Aleius discovered a hive in the Easter Desert.” Moq replied. “A hive?” Dovik looks at Moq in disbelief. “How did he discover a hive?” “I say discover but more like fell into their hive. While we were training in the desert, he fell into a sand pit and was trapped for 3-days.” We watched the dragon fly around in a circle. “I’m still unsure of what actually happened down there but when he emerged from a cave on the back of a dragon… It was the most unreal thing I’ve ever seen.” “He didn’t tell you what happened?” Dovik wondered. “I asked him but he wouldn’t tell me. If you ask me, I think it traumatized him.” Moq looks at Dovik. “But it also empowered him.” As they continued to observe the drago...