Stories and Poems

The Owner of My Soul Vol 1: Chapter 12 and Chapter 13


The next morning, around 9, Monique and I went to her house to see ol’ Gary. We were there for about 5 minutes before he showed up. He was definitely ready to fight.
“Kenny Johnson.” He said as he approached me.
“No, that’s my name.” I joked. “You must be Gary Watson. I’ve heard so much about you. I would like to personally thank you.”
“For what?”
“Being the dumb ass that gave me the opportunity to be with Monique. If it wasn’t for you, we prolly wouldn’t be together.” Saying that definitely pissed him off.
“You have no idea who you’re up against.” He took the first swing and caught me right in the jaw. All I did was stand there and take the hit.
“That’s it? My lil brotha hits harder than you and he’s only 7.”
He tried to kick me. I grabbed his leg and elbowed it right at the knee. It snapped back and the bone popped out of the skin. He screamed in pain. I walked to him, lifted him up by the throat and held him off the ground. I thought about showing mercy, but remembered everything that Monique told me he tried to do. I then took my frustration out on him. I wailed on him repeatedly, busting his nose, lip, and eyes. I threw him into his car. He kicked me with his good leg, but in my shin. It was like getting bit by a mosquito: doesn’t hurt, but it’ll itch later. I opened the car door and started slamming it on him. He screamed in even more pain. Monique approached me and tried pulling me off.
“Baby, I don’t want you to kill him. That’s a lil too harsh. Just teach him a lesson. Since you succeeded in that, we can go.” She said to me. I looked at him. He was unconscious. I started smiling.
“Yea, I think I fulfilled my goal. We can bounce now.” Hand-in-hand, we went to the car and left. Yes, we left him laying in her driveway, screaming, crying, and bleeding.

We were all chillin on the porch at C-Lo’s house late in the afternoon. “We” bein da entire click: Jodie, Trey, Troy, Blaze, G-Money, O-D, Oak-Dogg, Frost, Latoya, Yvonne, Beyonce, Monique, Will and myself.
“Damn, y’all shoulda been dare when Monique beat da livin hell outta Gina. That girl was gone once da thang started.” C-Lo commented.
“That’s my baby ri dare. I taught her er’thang she know.” I bragged. She smiled and kissed me. “Aye, man, word has it you bout to be a Dad.” I said to C-Lo.
“Yea, I take it Toya told you.” He replied.
“And you know dis, Mane.”
“I aint da only. Yvonne carrying too.”
“What??? You telling me she actually let you get some.” Will teased.
“Ha ha ha. I’ve been bangin it out fa a while, just didn’t tell y’all niggaz. She’s 4 months now.” DT stated. I took a sip of my beer and noticed Monique’s impression. She seemed disturbed.
“Looks like I should announce my inclusion into the Fatherhood club.” Will said. We all looked at Beyonce as she nodded in agreement. “She told me this morning.”
“Damn, pimpin, congratulations.” I said, givin him dap.
Monique then ran upstairs and into the bathroom, I turned around and looked to see what was up. I then began thinking to myself. Why does this seem so familiar? Am I having a lil déjà vu or somethin?
“She iight?” Will asked.
“I’ll go see.” Beyonce suggested.
“Nah, I’ll go. Sit tight.”
I grabbed my beer and walked to the back. Before I knocked, I thought to myself again. Didn’t I say that before? I shrugged it off and knocked on the bathroom door. “Mo, open da door, babe. It’s me.” I waited a minute. I heard the door unlock. I opened it, closed it, locked it, and sat on the tub. “What’s goin on baby?”
“I feel bad.” She cried.
“About what?” She had tears in her eyes. “Whateva it is, I promise I won’t get mad.”
“I’ve been tryin to tell you for a while. I didn’t want to tell you like this.”
“Tell me what?”
“Remember when I had that check-up?”
“Yeah.” My heart started pounding.
“I got it back and been tryin to tell you what happened.” She paused and took a deep breath.
“What?” I took her hand into mine.
“I’m 4 months pregnant.” I fell into shock.
“You’re what?”
“4 months pregnant.”
“Really?” I stood up and tried to gain my composure. “I can’t believe it. Is it mine? Damn, that’s a dumb question, of course it is.”
“How did this happen? Duh, dumb question number 2, I did go without a rubber.”
“I can’t believe this. I’m goin to be a father. What if I fail?” Just losin my fuckin mind. I wish she socked me in the jaw.
“BABY?!?!?” I looked up at her. “Calm down, sweetie. If you feel we’re not ready, I can get an abortion.”
“No, hell no. I want this baby.”
“Are you sure?”
Neva been more sure about anything in my life.” I hugged her and kissed her. “I just need to get some air.”
“Yea, of course.” I kissed her again. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
I kissed her again and walked out. I leaned against the door and began thinking. This is goin too much like my dream. If memory serves me correctly then… yep, it’s a fact. I pulled out my brand new guns and ran outside. When I got outside, I didn’t say anything to the click. They looked at me in concern. I walked out to the middle of the yard and looked around to see if there was anyone posted up for a drive-by.  I then felt my back throbbing, like a million needles were pricking me at once. I looked to the left and saw a car chillin. I then looked to the right and saw anotha car chillin. I started feeling adrenaline rushing through my body. I knew what was comin. Monique came out there wit me and took my hand.
“Baby, are you ok?” She asked me.
“Baby, I need you to go in the house.” I told her.
“Why?” She asked in concern.
“Kenny, you iight?” Will asked. I looked back at him. I could hear the cars startin to come at us.
“DRIVE BY!!!!!” I yelled. I started buckin before each car approached. I backpedaled towards the house. “Mo, stay by me.” I told her.
I could hear the rest of the click bustin at em. The part that wasn’t in my dream was the other two cars that followed them. Beyonce, Yvonne, and Latoya went into the house. In the corner of my eye, I saw Will get shot in the arm. I looked behind me and noticed Monique wasn’t there anymore. She was on the ground in plain sight. I ran to her and covered her. Will, C-Lo, DT, and Frost surrounded me to protect me as best as possible. The two cars ended up crashing into each otha. Everyone in both cars was dead.
“Damn, boy, that’s some action fo yo ass.” Will said.
“Aye, do you know you’re shot on your arm?” C-Lo asked.
“Really?” He looked at his arm. “Well whatta ya know.” I had Monique protected real well.
“Are you injured?” I asked her, quietly.
“No. Thank you. Are you ok?” She said.
“I’m fine.” I replied.
“You protected me with your own life.”
“And I’d do it again in a heartbeat.” She hugged me.
“Damn, you’re sweating badly.”
“Amazing, I’m not even hot.” I kissed her. “I’m just glad you’re ok.” Monique then looked at her hands. She started gasping. I could feel her bout to cry. “What is it, Mo?”
“It’s not sweat.”
“It’s….” I then started yelling in pain. All the adrenaline wore down and pain surged through my body. Will and the rest of the click noticed.
“Awwww, shit, Kenny’s down.” Will yelled. He got on the phone and called the ambulance. “Hold on, pimpin, ambulance will be here in 2 minutes.”
“That’ll feel like a lifetime.” I knew I wouldn’t make it. I took Monique’s hand. “You’re safe. That’s all that matters to me.”
“But you’re not. You’re badly hurt. I’m so sorry; it’s all my fault. If I had went into the house when you told me to.” Tears dropped down her face.
“Baby, it’s ok. If it wasn’t for you, I’d prolly be dead a long time ago. You’ve changed my life in more ways than one. I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Kenny, but you’re talking like you’re not goin to make it.”
“I’mma always be by your side, baby, no matter what. I wont be far, just focus on the me growing inside of you and keep it from becoming as messed up as me.”
“What are you talking about? You’re goin to be by my side the whole time to raise our child. You are not dying on me. I’M NOT LOSING YOU NOW!!!!!!”
“I’m sorry, Mo.
“PLEASE!!!!! DON’T LEAVE ME!!!!!!!!” The tears poured down her face. I wiped her face and kissed her cheek.
“I love you.” The ambulance showed, but I was already gone. She cried her heart out, hoping I just passed out and not away.
“Kenny, please don’t leave me. I have no reason to live no more without you here with me.” Will knelt down and placed his hand on her shoulder. He had tears in his eyes, too.
“Mo, he’s gone.” She grabbed on to him and cried on his shoulder.
“I can’t believe he’s gone.” She cried. “KEEEEENNNNNNYYYYY!!!!!!!!”

I was barely able to open my eyes, as the lights in my hospital room were blinding me. Will, C-Lo, DT, Beyonce, Monique and Ma were all in the room surrounding me. They looked sad.
“I… thought… I was… dead?” I struggled to say.
“No, you fell into shock.” Ma said. “But, there is somethin you ought to know. We were able to successfully pull out the bullets that were in you. Upon doing so, we noticed something. The bullets were full of a powder called Resinya. It travels through the blood stream directly to the heart and kills it. This process takes up to 8 hours to complete.” She sniffed and wiped her eyes. “You have about an hour to live.” Hearing that damn near killed me.
“How’d you know about the drive-by?” Will asked me.
“I had a dream about it. Everything that happened today happened 95% similar to what happened in my dream. I think y’all should know that I now understand everything.” I said.
“What do you mean?” C-Lo asked.
“Remember when Frost and all them got shot at the club? They were set up by the same person that killed me. It’s true we do have a traitor. He goes by the name of Jodie. I should have paid attention to it, but Jodie has a newly acquired symbol on his right hand. It looks like a Gunn Down tat. He’s the one that shot me. Now, because of my ignorance, I’m being punished.” I started grabbing my chest as the pain surged through my body. “I’mma be honest, I really doubt I have an hour.” I looked at C-Lo, DT and Will. I started to smile. “It’s been fun. We grew up together and rode this thang til the wheels fell off. Y’all are my brothers and best friends. If it wasn’t for y’all, I wouldn’t be the actual man I am. I’d prolly be some lil geek headed to MIT or somethin lame like that. I love y’all.”
“We love you too.” Will said, shaking my hand. They all had tears in their eyes. “We’ll handle Jodie and the rest of Gunn Down.” He got up and left. C-Lo and DT gave me dap as well and followed Will.
“Ma?” I called. She rushed to my side and took my hand.
“I’m hear, sweetie.” She whispered to me.
“Ma, please keep KJ from ending up like me.”
“I will.”
“You’ve always been there for me. Even during the split and the divorce.”
“You were my baby. I tried my hardest to protect you, but you became so uncontrollable. Then my life became chaotic. This is my fault. I should have raised you better.”
“No. Every man is responsible for his own actions. I did this to me. You raised me better than any mother can raise their child. I became uncontrollable because power took control of me. I was untouchable. At least, I thought I was. You endowed me with the intelligence that I’m blessed with and the persistence that I developed. You made me the intelligent man I am. I’m sorry for all the wrongful things I’ve done and the shame I brought to you.” Tears streamed down her face.
“Stop your nonsense. You’ve never brought shame on me, or this family. You’ve brought nothing but prosperity. You’re my very talented son that kept the Johnson family at the top. Look at last night. How do you think I feel as a mother that has a world-known son?”
“I can’t thank anyone but my family for that. Good genes.” I smiled and then coughed in pain. “Ma, I love you and thank you for every thing.”
“I love you too, sweetie.” She kissed me and hugged me. I felt her tears fall onto my shoulder. She then sat up, touched my cheek and smiled. She wiped her eyes and left the room. I looked at Monique.
“Baby, baby, baby.” I said as she got close to me.
“Yes.” Tears filled her eyes and fell down her cheek.
“I’m sorry for my lack of being careful. I tried my hardest to keep you alive and succeeded. I wish I was able to be there to raise our child along your side, but I’ve failed to watch my back.”
“Please, let me finish. For months, I had this coming. For years, I’ve been the bad guy. I built enemies around me and even took care of some. Then you came into my life and changed me. You knew what you were getting into. You knew what kind of person I was and were bent on changing me. You kept me alive longer than I was supposed to. You were everything to me and in my last breaths I wouldn’t want to spend them with anyone else but you. Now I have reached my time. Monique, keep the little one inside you from becoming like me. Have it look up to Will, C-Lo and DT as father figures. They’ll keep it from making the same mistakes I’ve made.” I struggled to lift my arm up, but I managed to put it on her face and wipe her tears. “I love you, Mo, and always will. I’ll be watching you from wherever I am.”
“I love you too, Kenny.” She embraced me.
I used the rest of my strength to kiss her and hold her. I could feel my last heartbeats coming and going. As my very last action, I whispered into her ear, “I love you” and kissed her softly on the lips. When she noticed I stopped kissing her, she cried into my chest.
Monique left my room moments later to confirm my death. Will, C-Lo, and DT had tears in their eyes. Will looked at Jodie and then at Ma. He nodded to her. She went into my room. Will got up and walked to Jodie. Without saying anything to Jodie, he grabbed his hand and looked at the tattoo.
“He was right. You did join Gunn Down.” He said softly. The rest of the click looked. “Why’d you kill him?”
“I had to. It was my initiation assignment.” He replied.
“Too bad you won’t be able to enjoy the membership benefits.”
At that moment, Will took out a gun, stuck it to Jodie’s stomach, and unloaded a full clip into him. Ma brought out a stretcher, put him on it, and hooked him up to machines that’ll keep him alive. Ma stopped the bleeding from the first shots and had blood pumping into him. He was alive, but very much in pain. Will, C-Lo, and DT all had two guns in hand and full clips. Monique also grabbed a gun and aimed at him. Jodie looked at his destiny and saw his life flash before his eyes. Will counted down and in an instant, all of them fired at the traitor, not missing a single shot. He stayed alive for the entire time. Everyone loaded another clip and unloaded into his bloody body. This time, nothing was able to keep him alive. Blood was everywhere. Monique walked closer to Jodie, stuck the gun right at his head, and pulled the trigger….

I popped up at that moment. Monique woke up as she noticed.
“Oh my god, you’re finally awake.” She said, noticing me. I started yelling in pain. “Calm down baby, you haven’t completely healed from your wounds. You still have some internal problems.” My vision hasn’t come back yet, so I couldn’t focus on anything. “I’ll call your mother.” She pressed the button and seconds later, Ma came in. “Mrs. Johnson, he’s finally woke up.”
“Oh thank god. Here, Kenny, take these.” She stuck some painkillers in my mouth and gave me some water. I swallowed them and looked around. I was in the exact same room as in my dream. Funny thing is I thought I was really dead.
“What…..hap….pened?” I struggled to ask.
“You’ve been in a coma for about a month.” Monique said. “I stayed by your side the entire time.”
“Jodie? Where is he?” I asked.
“Will took care of him. He found out about his treachery and killed him.” She told me.
“He shot him a few times, then C-Lo and DT hooked him on to the back of the car, soaked him in gasoline, and then drove fast enough for friction to set him on fire. You shoulda saw the blaze.” She embraced me. “I’m just glad you finally made it out of your coma. I was so scared for you.” I smiled.
“So I’m goin to be a father. I’ve wanted that for so long.”
“Coma for a month and that’s the first thing you really mention?”
“Yea, I’ve wanted to say it for a long time.”
“Well, I did purposely have you do this to me.”
“Yea, I remember that night.” Ma came back in the room. “So how long will I be here, Mother?”
“Depends on how long it takes you.” She replied.
“What do you mean?”
“Your spine was damaged pretty badly. We repaired it during surgery, but it is still recovering from the massive trauma it suffered. You probably won’t be able to walk for a while.”
“I doubt that. I can feel my toes wiggling.”
“Yes. I didn’t say you can’t move your toes. I said you can’t walk just yet.”
I slowly sat up and tried to get out of bed. My legs were as stiff as a door. I was able to hang them off the edge of the bed, but as I tried to put my weight on them, I collapsed to the floor, immediately grunting in pain. Ma laughed at me.
“What do I know, dear? I’m just the doctor.”
“Iight, so it may take a while before I’m out this place. Big whoop, wanna fight about it.” Monique helped me get back into bed.
“Rest up, sweetie. You have plenty of time to recover.” She told me.
“You forget I have to graduate, and…hol up, what day is it?” I asked Monique.
“April 12th. Why?”
“I aint bout to be up in hea durin my birthday.”
“Well, you have 3 weeks.” Ma told me. She smiled and walked out. Monique held my hand in hers and looked into my eyes. I can see the pain, suffering, fear, and happiness all rolled up into one big expression. That expression was tears; forming and falling.
“Kenny, you have no idea what’s been goin on inside me for that month you were in a coma.” Tears streamed down her face. She gripped my hand a slight harder.
“I have an idea. You stayed by my side the whole time?”
“Conveniently, the bathroom is right there and the way it’s positioned, I used it and kept an eye on you at the same time. Your kind-hearted cousin brought me food every 7 hours, which, I might add, was very difficult to eat.”
“Has my father come up here to see me?”
“Of course. He came every other day, stayed for about an hour or so, talked to you, and even expressed himself deeply.”
“That’s surprising.”
“Your mother said you were able to hear everything that was goin on. Don’t you remember hearing anything that took place during the past month?”
“Not a thing. To me, it was like a dream that ended with me dying but y’all sending Jodie to hell wit me.”
“Y’all as in Will, C-Lo and DT, right?”
“Y’all as in the entire CTB click and even you.”
“Yes, you. In fact, I woke up at the same moment you pulled the trigger to end Jodie’s life.”
“Really? I wish I was a dream analyst to figure out what that means.”
“Ya know.”
“I really do hope you remember everything that went on.”
“Did you try to teach me in my sleep?” I joked.
“Actually, I did. Everyone except my sister, Will, C-Lo, Yvonne, and DT went back to school. Latoya also stayed the entire time, since she took leave the entire month. Frost brought assignments for us all to make up.”
“Speaking of which, where dem niggaz at?”
“Most likely sleep. It is 2 am. Not everyone stays up late without you.”
“Of course.”
“That reminds me, I need to go get them. They said no matter what, if something changes get them.” She was about to call Will’s room. I grabbed her hand before she dialed.
“I have an idea.” I pulled one of my chords and watched the machine go flat line. She looked at me and knew what I was planning.
“This acting job I’m bout to pull better land me a part in one of your movies.” She said, smiling.
“Depends on how believable you make it.”
“Deal.” She kissed me and called Will’s room. When he picked up, she started crying, “Will, come quick. The thing went flat line. I think he’s…” She then made it really seem like she was crying.
“Oh shit, sit tight, I’m on my way.” He hung up and got ready to come. The second Monique hung up the phone she looked at me.
“Good so far, baby girl.” I said to her. “Now, it’s really show time.” I kissed her and lied down motionless. I then woke up real quick. “Baby, hurry up and tell Ma to get down here and play along wit us.”
She quickly called Ma and told her what we were doing. She got here minutes before they did. Will, Beyonce, C-Lo, Latoya, Yvonne, and DT rushed into the room to see a flat line, a crying mother, a crying, pregnant lady, and a motionless me.
“Oh my god.” Latoya said as she covered her mouth. Monique had tears streaming down her face as she held my hand.
“I was talking to him, and his heart just gave up. I…” She sniffed and then really started crying. Ma looked at Will. Will had tears in his eyes.
“He wanted me to tell you to say a few words at his funeral. You’re the only one that understands him better than anyone else.” She told him. She looked back at me and then cried into my chest. I felt the sadness coming from Will, C-Lo, and DT. What I was waiting for were the tears.
“He was the heart of CTB. How we gon continue without him?” C-Lo said. I could tell he was crying. Two down, one to go.
“Now what do we do? How can we continue?” DT said. He was also crying. BINGO!!! I opened my eyes and busted out laughing.
“Y’all ova there cryin like some bitches. Caught in the act. Good job, baby, you definitely need to be in our next movie.” I said with tears in my eyes from laughing.
“You little bastard.” Will said. I then laughed even harder when they jumped me.
“That wasn’t even coo, K.” Latoya said as she pinched the life out of me.
“I couldn’t resist.” I said, laughing myself further into tears. “Man, y’all shoulda saw the looks on dem faces.” Everyone stood up.
“I’m sorry, y’all, but he talked me into it.” Monique explained.
“When’d you wake up?” Will asked, smiling now.
“I’on know. Prolly like 15 ago. I see we have a lot of work to make-up.”
“You have no idea. I’ll let you copy my paper.”
“Preciate it.”
“Iight, everyone,” Ma began, “Kenny needs to rest.”
“Rest? I just had a month long sleep.” I said.
“Then why are you yawning?” She asked.
“I’m not…” I then yawned. “Well I be damn.” Everyone laughed.
“Well, I’m still sleepy, so I’ll see you in the morning/afternoon.” Will said as he gave me dap.
“That you WILL.” I joked.
“I’m so glad you’re ok.” Latoya said, giving me a big hug.
“I’m glad C-Lo hasn’t beat you yet.” I joked.
“Funny, but alive. Let’s keep it that way, iight?” C-Lo said, giving me dap.
“That won’t be a problem as long as I stay away from your cooking.” I joked.
“Sleep tight, playboy.” DT said as he gave me dap.
“Don’t be playin wit yoself, masturbator.” I joked. Yvonne and Beyonce gave me hugs without saying anything, afraid I’m goin to joke with them too. I did anyway, “damn, who nut in y’all throats?” Monique was laughing the entire time. Then it was Ma’s turn. I couldn’t joke with her.
“I’m so glad this experience didn’t affect your personality.” She said, taking my hand into hers.
“Me too. Imagine how much of a party killa that would be.”
“I’mma leave you in Monique’s hands for the night. If any pain returns, don’t be afraid to let me know. I know how much you don’t like to show pain to me.”
“Only with certain things. Don’t worry, Ma, you’ll be the 3rd to know.”
“Who’s first?” Monique asked.
“Ok.” Ma kissed me and smiled. “I love you, sweetie. You’re my oldest and you have too much goin for you. Please, be more careful in the future.”
“I will. I love you too, Ma.” She smiled again and left the room. I looked at Monique. “So, now that everyone’s gone, wanna have a lil bump and grind?”
“You can’t be serious.”
“I’m as serious as I am sexy.”
“Baby, we are not making love in a hospital.”
“Fine, be that way.” I turned the other way like I was mad at her. She sat on the bed and lied down on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her.
“Kenny, I promise to never leave your side.” She said, softly and assuring.
“I know that. You didn’t for a month.” I said, playing with her hair.
“I’m goin to dedicate all my time and energy to make sure you have a swift recovery.”
“Thank you. I will need your assistance.”
“Good. Even if you didn’t, I was goin to give it to you anyway.” I smiled as she said that. Moments later, we were both sleep.

I began to see an event take place in my dream.

“How is he, Mrs. Johnson?” Monique asked Ma.
“At this moment, we just finished removing all of the bullets in his body. The thing is, when he fell into shock, it sorta had a very negative effect.”
“What do you mean?”
“Tell me, did Kenny think he was goin to die?”
“Yea, he started sayin goodbye and everything.”
“Well, he was very close to death. You can always tell when your body is just goin to give out and you’ll pass on. With him, when his body gave him that signal, something sparked.”
“After death, your brain is very capable of reacting to certain things said. Shortly after flatline, if you say the right things, the heart will start back up.”
“Is this a proven fact?”
“Yes, and a perfect example would be Kenny. His body’s blood count shows the heart has stopped momentarily. Were you with him at this time? I mean actually holding him in your arms?”
“Yes. I was crying and pleading that he didn’t leave me.”
“What was the last thing you told him that was the utmost importance?”
“That I was pregnant.”
“Thought so.”
“What does this all mean, Mrs. Johnson?”
“When Kenny fell into shock, his heart stopped, giving the appearance of death. But then, it started back up, faintly but surely. He was breathing on his own and his body was functioning again. The problem is, due to his injuries and his heart stopping for that amount of time, Kenny has fell into a coma.”
“For how long?”
“I’m not sure. It can range from anywhere between an hour and 20 years.” Monique covered her mouth and tried not to cry. “Look, the only thing I can tell you is talk to him. He may be in a coma, but he can hear and sense everything that’s goin on.”
“Will he be able to remember it?”
“Yes, but not at first. He’ll have recall of some of the things here and there. Look, I have to tend to other patients. You may stay as long as you like. I can tell your school and parents about this. Take care of my baby and if you need me, press the red button.”
“Thank you, ma’am. I’ll notify you of any changes.”
“Thanks. I’ll check up on him in a couple hours.” Monique nodded and watched Ma leave. She then looked at me and walked to my side. She sat on the bed and touched my face.
“You knew this was goin to happen before it did, baby. Why did you chance it like that? Why couldn’t you have stayed in the house? Then again, that’s not your style.” She sniffed and took my hand. “The past 7 months have been unbelievable. You were a dream come true. In fact, I remember the day I revealed myself to you.”

When she said that, it was like a cut scene from a movie. In my dream, I morphed to an earlier event. I recognize this one though. It was when I first learned about my biggest fan. The entire event played in my head.
At that moment, anotha cut scene like motion took me back to the event that sparked this reminiscing moment. Monique was looking at me as she sat in the hospital bed. What the hell is goin on in my mind?

“You made me a happy woman since that day.” She continued. “I never in my entire life pictured being with my dream. I have bragging rights among haters and the love of the world’s biggest star. To go along with it, I have your seed growing inside of me.” She rubbed her stomach. “I wish I was able to tell you when I first found out, but I didn’t have any opportunity. Then you were gon for four months. I couldn’t tell you somethin like that on the phone and distract you from your games. I do apologize for not telling you until today.”
She wiped her eyes and continued, “Please, Kenny, I need you. I was praying one day you’ll see the signs and give me what I really want. I want to be Mrs. Kenny Johnson more than anything. I’ve wanted that since I was a kid and saw your first ever TV exposure. I had a crush on you then, now and forever. I want to be your girl for life. I know I’ll be the best wife in the world. With a man like you, how can I throw away anything we have together? Baby, I love you so much and want to spend the rest of my life with you. As a family, you, me and our baby, living in a big house.” She sniffed, kissed me on my lips, and lied down on my chest.

I woke up and looked around. Monique was still lying on my chest sleep. I looked at the clock to see what time it was. I was only sleep for 3 hours. I then felt something wet fall down the sides of my face. I touched it with my finger as it reached my ear. They were tears coming from my eyes. Was I crying? My eyes were quite moist. Every time I blinked, tears fell. I started thinking about my dream.
“I don’t think that was a dream.” I whispered to myself. “I think I just had recall.” I never realized how much I affect people’s lives. I kissed Monique on her forehead and went back to sleep.

This time, another event took place in my dream.

“How is he?” Dad asked Ma as he walked into my room.
“I don’t know.” Ma said with tears. “He’s been out for the past 4 days. He’s in a coma and showing no signs of waking.”
“It’s ok. He’s a Johnson. Johnsons don’t give up easily.” He said as he held her in his arms. “Is he capable of hearing?”
“Yes. Whateva is said, he’ll hear. He may not remember it at first, but sometime down the line, he’ll have recall.”
“Ok.” He kissed her and walked over to me. He sat in the chair next to my bed and looked at me with fear in his eyes. “How are you holdin up?” He asked Monique, who was sitting in the chair closest to me.
“Not too good. The longer he’s like this, the scarier it feels.” She said. Monique looked as if she’s been crying non-stop for 4 days.
“Have you been talking to him?”
“All the time.”
“What do you tell him?”
“That I love him and miss him. I tell him he has to pull through this and come back to me and his family.”
“I see.”
“Did you want to talk to him alone?” She asked.
“If you don’t mind.”
“Not at all, he’s your son.” She stood up and stood next to Ma. Dad looked at me, then at Ma and Monique, and back at me. He took off his hat and took a deep breath.
“Kenny…my son………this is your father. Maybe I should say the man that created you. I guess lately I haven’t been much of a father. If I have, I wouldn’t be in this situation………seeing my son lying in a hospital bed. Lately, I haven’t been there for you. I’ve chosen to run things at work, being the ultimate workaholic like your grandfather. I saw my father about 55 times in the 18 years I was under his care. I tried my hardest to keep from being like him. I was doin good until the past year. The only thing I’ve done was be your agent for sports and other entertainment.”
 He looked down at his hands and back up at me. Tears were forming in his eyes. This is a man that I’ve never seen cry. Even after his grandfather died.
“I worked my ass off to provide a better life for you and your brothers and sisters. I succeeded in that to the highest point of succession, yet I still neglect to spend time with my family. I kept myself busy, missing most of your basketball games, and not really being there for you. I allowed you to get caught up in the game that I started in. I told myself I wouldn’t let you get dragged into da game, yet you were more caught up into it than I was.”
He wiped his eyes and sniffed. He looked over at his wife. Ma wiped her eyes and waited on Dad. “You have to fight this. You are too valuable to not only my company, but to this family. I need you to run SJ Enterprise. I need you to bring even more success and prosperity. I need you to take the family name to the top of the mountain and overpower anyone that challenges you. I don’t know if you know this, but you’re the heart of this family. If and when I die, you will carry this family and keep it from falling apart. Without you, the family will fall apart, SJ Enterprise will break down…everything will be different. You have to pull through this, son. You’ve always had the “never say die” attitude. Now is the time to have that attitude.”
He started to smile a lil bit, “I remember when you were first born. It was the first delivery I actually attended. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to be at your older siblings’ births, but I wasn’t told they even existed until a month afterwards. Anyway, I recall the entire time Natasha was pregnant with you. The entire time you were in the womb, I coulda swore you were able to understand me.” He chuckled a lil bit, “like when the Cavs were losing against the Lakers, I started yelling about it and you started kicking. But when they came back and won, it was like you were tickling Natasha. Whatever you did, it made her laugh and enjoy it.”
He smiled some more as he reminisced, “Anyway, goin back to what I was originally goin to tell you. The day you were born, which is……… May 4th, 2085………ha ha, told you I remember………on that day, you immediately reminded me of myself. Your hair, feet, hands………everything. When the doctor put you in Natasha’s arms and I saw you smile, I knew you were goin to turn out just like me. Your mother looked up at me and suggested I hold you. When I held you in my arms, I knew right off the back that you recognized me. You knew who I was and what type of relationship we were to establish.”
He looked at Ma, “That right there, son, was the best day of my life.” He looked back at me. “I went to KJ’s and Lisa’s birth, but it didn’t feel the same. A lot of people wonder why I didn’t name you KJ and him Kenny. Just in case you ever wondered that, I’ll tell you. We act alike, but you favor your mother in the looks department. You have a lot of my features, but a lot of Natasha’s too. KJ, on the other hand, is all me. He’s like my twin. I don’t like to treat any of you differently than the others, but with you I had to do that. You were goin to be my successor some day. I had to bring you into the entertainment industry and sports industry. My last task is to bring you into the business industry. That means you have to get yo ass out this coma so we can do that.”
He looked at Monique and then back at me. He no longer smiled or even looked happy. He had the same look he had at the beginning. “You have a baby on the way. I know for a fact you’ll be a better father to your child than I was to you. I know you’ll keep it out of da game and out of trouble.” He took another deep breath, licked his lips, wiped his face wit his hands, and then looked back at me. “I can’t take credit for everything I’ve done. You were motivation. I knew one day you would surpass me in every category. So far, you’ve become a better ball player than me and you haven’t even finished high school. You become a better artist than me, and I had 6 more albums than you. You made more in the box office than I have and I been in 20 more movies than you. You’re outdoing me in everything. Life is one of those things you must out due me in. You are destined to live longer than me and have control of this world in your fingertips.”
He stood up and sat on my bed. “Kenny, you’re important to the world, to the city, to our business, to this family, to Monique, and especially to me. You’re more than a father could hope for. Come back to us, my son. Come back to the life that you created and the woman that loves you. Come back to the parents that love you.” Tears fell down his cheeks. “I have to go. I love you, son.” He kissed my forehead and touched my hand. Tears fell onto my hand as he stood. He walked over to Ma and Monique. They both were crying too. The three of them group hugged and cried into each other’s shoulders.

After that, I woke up. Monique was looking directly at me.
“I call that the kiss of life.” She said, smiling. I licked my lips and knew she kissed me, just like in my dream.
“Baby, I need you to do me a favor.” I said.
“Call my father and tell him I need to talk to him.”
As she picked up the phone, Dad walked right in. I looked and tapped Monique on the arm. She looked at me and then at the door. When she saw Dad standing there, she hung up the phone.
“I’mma get somethin to eat, you want something?”
“You know what I like.” I said.
“I’ll be back.” She kissed me. “Hey, Mr. Johnson.” She said, as she passed him.
“Hey, Monique.” He replied. After she left, he closed the door. I sat up and wiped the sleep out my eyes.
“Funny, I had Monique bout to call you.” I said.
“Yea, well, I heard you made it out of your coma. I was goin to come last night, but your mother said it’ll be best to wait till now.”
“Momma knows best.” That made us both smile. “I had recall when I fell asleep.”
“About what?”
“The first was about Monique. I know what she wants now and tend to give it to her.”
“Let me guess, she wants you to marry her?”
“Yea, how’d you know?”
“Lucky guess. What otha one did you have?”
“You. I have never seen you like that. You were always an emotion hider. When Ma left us, you had no emotion. It was like it didn’t bother you one bit. Even though I knew otherwise, but you still appeared quite unaffected and normal. I adopted that lifestyle and never shown emotion. I used to be afraid to cry cuz I knew you’d never do it. When I saw you shed tears over me, it brought me down to tears in reality. By that alone, you showed me that even the toughest men can be reduced to tears. You are by far the toughest man I know. Well, tied with Uncle Tevin. Along with that, you showed fear. For the 18 years I’ve known about you, you weren’t afraid of anything.”
“You’re not even 18 yet.” He said.
“True, but I’ll be 18 in May. Not to mention I’ve known you for 7 months while I was in the womb.” He smiled. I continued to say, “Dad, you will always be the biggest influence in my life. I try to be better than you in everything because you’re at the top of everything. You even push me to be better than you in everything. You don’t want that honor to be enjoyed by anyone else but the life you created. You’re right. I do understand you better than anyone else. But besides Ma, you understand me better than anyone else.”
“How does your mother understand you better than me?”
“I have no idea. It’s like she knows what I’ll do before I do it, what I’ll say before I say it, and just me all together. It’s like those 9 months I’m in her she knew how I was goin to turn out. It’s the scariest thing in the world.”
“If you think that’s scary, try winning a fight. She knows what I’ll say before I even think it. I never won a fight in our 23 year history.”
“Yea. Look, I knew you were gon make it out of your coma alive and well. The only thing I was concerned about is how long are you goin to sit on your ass before you decide to get up outta hea?”
“Not long. I’m goin to get my legs back in working condition after I eat.”
“I brought you some scripts to look over. By the way, while you were gone, Cross Fire 2 was approved by the board and we got a script for you.”
“Y’all are the best.” I said, smiling. He handed me 6 scripts. “I’ll look them over while I’m in here.” I told him.
“Good. Well, I’mma head to work. Just to let you also know, Tevin and I thought over your proposition to own a company and found a lil location outside of Richmond that you can take.”
“Sounds good. I’ll hit you up when I get outta hea.”
“You do that. I have to give you directions.”
“To where?”
“You’ll know when you get outta hea.” He said. He walked up to me and gave me a hug. “I love you, son. Get up outta dis place quickly, iight?”
“I will. I love you too.” He walked out the room and Monique came back in. She had McDonalds in hand.
“Okay, steak, egg, and cheese bagel with a hash brown and orange juice.” She said, handing me my food.
“Thanks babe.” As I ate, I couldn’t help but think about what Monique wanted. I gazed at her with such a desire to give her what she wanted. The thing is, am I really ready to officially settle down and become the husband type? “How much have I been on the news?” I asked.
“Must you ask? They had a “coma count” for you. They had an address for people to send stuff to.”
“Hol up, you telling me when I get home I’ll have a ton of stuff sent by people?”
“More or less.” She replied. I shook my head and smiled.
“At least I know people care.” I said.

When we finished eating, we decided to try and get the ol’ legs working.
“Okay, let’s take baby steps.” Monique said. She stood up and helped me get up. “Iight, wrap your arm around my neck and pull yourself up.” I did so. My back cracked like in 10 different places, made me think I was making popcorn. I stood on my feet and looked at Monique.
“Iight, on my count.” I said. “Left.” That first step was hard, but felt good to do. “Right.” That next step was the same as the first. We kept goin and walked out in the halls.
“Do you want to take a break?” She asked.
“Negatory. I would like to get out of here by tomorrow. It’s about 7 hours left in daylight. Let’s do this.” We kept walking. Pretty soon, I had full motion. Will and the others came out to join us.
We then went outside at around 7 am. Keep in mind I still have on those hospital dresses. My ass was out and showin. It was about 65 degrees outside. I felt comfortable enough to challenge Will to a race. Usually, I’m faster than Will by 2 nanoseconds. I’ve never lost a race to him. When we ran, my speed dropped dramatically. He burned me by 3 seconds going half-speed. I knew that a lot of work must be done. We kept racing. The more we raced, the less he was beating me. By the 10th race, I was back to normal mobility. I beat him by a full second. I didn’t let it get to my head since we did run 10 straight races. A few hours later, we did race again since we both were fully regenerated. It was then proven that I made a full recovery. I beat him by 2 nanoseconds, which is the norm. When we got back into my room, it was about noon. I lied down in the bed with a smile on my face. Monique sat down in the chair. Ma came in shortly after.
“Kenny, I see you feel about normal.” She said to me.
“I have full mobility, Ma. I think I’m ready to go.” I replied.
“I couldn’t agree with you more. Before I’m able to release you, I need to draw blood to make sure your blood count has returned to normal.”
“Ok.” She had a needle in hand and two empty tubes. “When do you get off anyway?” I asked her.
“About 5 minutes before never.” She replied.
“Why do you work so hard when you own the place?” I asked.
“For two reasons. One being there’s a lot of new people here and I am the one that is beyond qualified to make A+ demonstrations that always end in success. Two, I’m happier when I’m treating people. Not when I’m in an office doing paperwork.”
“I see. So who does the paperwork?”
“Your father.”
“Is that why he stays late sometimes?”
“Yep. Don’t worry, one day you’ll see for yourself how hard it is to run a multi-johnsinian dollar corporation and raise a family at the same time.”
“Lookin forward to it.” She filled the two tubes up with my blood.
“I’ll run tests on this and let you know the results. You’re free to leave tomorrow morning.” She informed me.
“Thanks, Ma.” She smiled and left.
“So, Mr. Johnson, what do you plan on doin when you get home?”
“I have no idea.” I began thinking, “what is tomorrow anyway?”
“Friday. I already know you don’t want to go back to school till Monday.”
“You got that right.”
“You already know reporters want you to make a statement. At this time, they don’t know you’re awake.”
“Unless Yvonne said something.” I added. “I’ll give her the exclusive if she wants it.”
“Aren’t you sweet?” She said.
“Yes, I am.”
“I meant to ask you, what do you plan on doin for your birthday?”
“Usually I donate $6 billion to 50 of my favorite charities. Then after that it’s whateva.”
“Ok.” She thought that over and then looked at me. “Wait, on your birthday you give away $300 billion dollars to charities?”
“Yeah. I do that every year. This year I might give away 10 since it’s my graduation year.”
“You’re too much.” She said. “Tell me, why do you intend on running your own business?”
“I need the experience before Dad would let me run the company. Besides, it’s said that teens graduating from high school will need a job to get through college. I figured Will and I can create a 100,000 jobs, paying $15/hr to get through college.”
“Do you really intend on creating that big of a company?”
“To do what?”
“Sell SJ Enterprise’s products. It’ll be like a Super Wal-Mart. Open 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.”
“How many branches?”
“10. 5 ran by Will, 5 ran by me.”
“10,000 jobs will be available for each store?”
“It’s possible.” I could tell she was shocked.
“Baby, you’re too much. You really are.”
“Thank you. I try my best. Now are you goin to lay with me or do I have to find someone else.” She smiled and lied down in the bed with me.
“I love you, Kenny.”
“I love you too.” I turned on the TV and we fell asleep not too long after.


The next morning, Ma came in my room as I was getting dressed. It felt so good to put on regular clothes. She had a folder in hand.
“Okay, 1st born, here’s your results. By the way, sorry I couldn’t make it last night.” She said.
“It’s ok, Ma, I fell asleep anyway.” I replied.
“Good, with that out the way, your blood count is normal, your white blood cell count is a little elevated, but close to normal. You’re clean of diseases, infections and viruses. You are free to go home.” I walked up to her and gave her a big hug.
“Thanks, Ma, for everything.”
“It’s my job as your doctor and mother.” She kissed me and smiled. “I’ll see you at home, ok?”
“Ok.” She walked out the room. Monique and I met up with the rest of the click outside the hospital. I gave everyone dap. “Yvonne, I want to give you the pleasure of interviewing me before the rest of the press even tries.”
“Thanks, Kenny, I appreciate that.”
“No problem.” I looked at Will. “Aye, if Ma didn’t work there, how much do you think my doctor bill would be?”
“I’on know. At least a mill.” He replied.
“You think so?”
“Hell yea.”
“Whoa, I thought more than that. Oh well. Iight, so where we headin?”
“Lata on tonight we talking bout goin out to dinner to celebrate.” C-Lo replied.
“I’m down wit dat. Ummmm, how bout that one restaurant, Snazzy?” I suggested.
“Sounds like a club.” Latoya said.
“I’ve seen that place. It’s snazzy.” Will said.
“Hence the name, Snazzy.” I said. “I’ll meet y’all up there at about 7 ish?” They all nodded. “It’s on then.”
I gave everyone dap and got in the car that Monique drove up here. As we pulled out the parking lot, Monique turned the music down.
“I need to go home. I have to check in since they’ve only received a phone call from me for the past month.” She told me.
“Understandable baby girl.” I replied.
I drove to her house and walked her to her door. I gave her a big hug and kiss. I got back in the car and called Will.
“Aye, Dogg, where you at?” I asked when he answered.
“I’m headin to Beyonce’s house to drop her off.” He replied.
“Really? I’m up hea now.”
“I know, I’m parked right behind ya, biscuit.” I turned around and saw him on his phone waving at me.
“Well how bout that? Iight, hurr up and walk her to da door. I have an idea to talk to you about.”
“Iight, hold on.” He walked her to the door, kissed her goodbye, and got back on the phone. “Iight, what’s this idea?” I got out the car, but continued to talk on the phone.
“I want to do it tonight.”
“Tonight?” He repeated. “Sounds good. Let’s go get the package.”
“Let’s do it.”
We hung up our phones, looked at each otha, nodded, and got in our cars. He led the way to Sparkles, the leading retailer in jewelry. We talked to the sales associate.
“Hey, I had a package reserved under the name William Smith.” Will said first.
“And I had one under Kenneth Johnson.” I said.
He looked for the packages and handed it to us. We checked to make sure we had what we wanted and left. No, we didn’t steal them, we had prepaid. On the way to the car, we discussed how we were goin to do this.
“The way I see it, I think we should sing our own song instead of somethin already made.” Will suggested.
“I agree, but I also think we should sing an already made song. Let’s do our song first and then another song of choice.” I suggested.
“Iight, let’s do dat then.” We gave each otha dap and got in our rides. I went home and immediately got to work, thinking of lyrics for this song. First, I had to call Will to get a confirmation on the beat.
“Aye, Will, what do you think of this kind of beat.” I demonstrated the beat.
“I like. Are you goin to make the notes for it and give it to the band on hand?”
“I was unless you wanted to.”
“Nah I’m good on that. Don’t call me and tell me you changed yo mind. I’m makin lyrics that go directly with that beat. If you change it on me, I will split yo wig.”
I laughed, “I ain’t gon change it.”
“It’s on then.”
I hung up wit him and made the notes that correspond with the beat. I made piano notes, saxophone notes, guitar notes, and drumbeats. With the beat in mind, I continued to make lyrics to the song.

Night fell and it was time to get dressed. I took a much-needed shower and put on somethin sexy, formal, and a statement-maker all in one. I was smellin good, looking good, and feelin good. I grabbed my package and went into the garage. The hardest decision was what I was goin to drive. I chose to take my best-looking car, the one that always reminds me of my best friend, Sydney. My white 2104 Honda S2000. Hasn’t even been released yet and won’t be till later this year. I drove to Monique’s house and saw Will’s car in the driveway. I walked to the door and knocked. Mrs. Williams opened the door.
“Kenny, it’s so good to finally see you. I’m glad to hear you made a full recovery.” She gave me a hug.
“Thank you, ma’am. It’s nice seeing you again. You look younger every time I see you.” I said.
“Stop it.” She said, blushing. “Monique’s upstairs still getting ready. She wants you to stay down here till she comes.”
“I respect that.” I sat down on the couch.
“So, how does it feel to be out of the hospital and on your feet again?”
“Magnificent. You have no idea how hard it was just to lay there and not do anything.” I said, trying my hardest not to speak in ebonics or street.
“Well, I have an idea. You were in a coma for a month, right?”
“Yes, ma’am, that’s what they tell me.”
“What was that like?” She showed quite a bit of interest.
“It was like I was dreaming the entire time. It felt real, but when you awaken, it was like a dream.”
“Did you hear anything while you were in your coma?”
“Not at the time it was spoken, but I’ve had two separate occasions of recall.”
“Really? Wow, that’s amazing.”
“May I ask you something?”
“Of course, sweetie, anything.” She had a smile on her face.
“No disrespect or anything, but why does this interest you so much?”
“Well, my brother was in a coma and ended up dying from it. I didn’t get a chance to ask him how it was. I always wanted to know how it would be.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Don’t be. He had it comin. I never really liked my brother.”
“May I ask why?”
“Yes you may.” I paused for a second to see if she was really waiting for me to say it. When I got the idea she did, I laughed… on the inside.
“He was such a bossy little somebody. He hit me every day, damn near made me have a miscarriage, and pushed me down the stairs while I was pregnant with Monique.”
“Ouch. Now I see why you hated him.”
“Yeah, well, that’s my family for you.” She took a sip of her drink and leaned towards me in serious mode. “Tell me, what are your intentions with my daughter?”
“What do you mean?”
“I already see she’s pregnant. She’s 17 and will graduate before the baby is born, so that doesn’t bother me. The thing I want to know is where do you want to go with her?”
“Mrs. Williams, ask me again later on tonight and I’ll have a better answer for you.” When she looked into my eyes, she gasped, knowing what I was goin to do.
“What are you expecting?” She said with joy.
“The right answer. I had recall about what she wanted, so I’m expecting her to follow her heart.”
“I think she will.” Speaking of Will, he ended up coming out the bathroom at that moment, fixing his belt.
“Kenny, what’s goin on pimpin?” He said once he noticed me.
“What da deal, Will?” I said to him, giving him dap. “How long you been in dare?”
“Prolly like a minute befo you got hea.” He replied.
“Doin what?”
“I had to fix my belt. It was kinda loose and then tight, so I had to fix my entire outfit and you know.”
“I see.”
We sat down and waited for Monique and Beyonce. We didn’t have to wait long. They came downstairs looking glamorous. It was like they were really glowing. Monique approached me and looked me right in the eyes.
“Do you like?” She asked.
“No doubt.” I replied.
“I have to get a picture of y’all.”
 Mrs. Williams said to us. We got ready to take a picture. I had my arms wrapped around Monique and standing behind her. Will and Beyonce were in the same position, but facing the opposite direction. Will and I stood back to back. She took three pictures and gave all of us a hug.
“Y’all have fun.” She said. We said bye to her and got into the car.
When we got to Snazzy, C-Lo, Latoya, Yvonne, DT, Ma, Dad, Uncle Tevin, Aunt Keasha, Lisa, KJ, Terrell, Brittany, Alonzo, Lorenzo, and the rest of the CTB were standing outside of the restaurant. It seemed as if they just got there. We met up with them and went into the restaurant. Will, Beyonce, C-Lo, Latoya, DT, Yvonne, Monique, and myself were all at one table. KJ, his date, Lisa, Terrell, his date, Brittany, Lorenzo, and Alonzo were at the table next to us. We ordered our food and some wine. I looked at Will. We were thinking the same thing. We stood up and got ready to do our thang. Monique grabbed my arm.
“What are you doin, baby?” She asked me.
“You’ll find out in a minute.” I gave her an assurance smile and kissed her. I went up to the stage, grabbed a microphone, and handed Will one.
“Excuse me; may we have the attention of the restaurant, please?” Will requested. “For all that don’t know us, my name is William Smith.”
“And I’m Kenneth Johnson. Please, Call me Kenny and call him Will.” I added.
“For those of you that are eating, we apologize, but this is important.”
“Will and I have something we want to get off our chest.”
“The only way we could, is the very way that made us billions.”
“So, this goes out to our number 1 ladies. Monique.”
“And Beyonce Williams.” After Will said that, flowers were brought out to Monique and Beyonce. They both received a dozen pink roses and a dozen carnations. I handed the band the scores I created. They nodded and began playing.
“Monique, I love you and I want to let you know how I feel. Forgive me if I sound terrible. I haven’t sung in about 8 months.” I unbuttoned my shirt down to the middle of my chest. “I wanna let you know how I feel………cuz the way you are, the way you smile………warms my heart when I look in your eyes……… Every kiss we share, every moment we have, makes me wanna keep you in my life……….for I………never found happiness, till the very day we met………and you………are the only one I wanna make my wife.” When I sung that last part, she gasped, as she knew what was coming. I was getting applauses everywhere because I sounded so good. I continued with the course, “you’re the one I want, you’re the one I need………yet I fail to give what you really desire. You’re my everything, you’re all I want to see………so I’m asking you to marry me.” Gasps and awes were heard everywhere. Applauses were dished out and Will began his verse.
“Beyonce, you’re all I ever wanted in a woman. Now, I want you to know exactly what’s goin on in my heart. I love you boo. “I felt so alone for many years………yet the day I saw you, I had to smile………my soul set on fire when I looked in your eyes………every night we spent, all the time that passed, makes me wanna have you till I die………for I………never knew happiness, till I had you in my arms………and you………are the only one that I need in my life.” Will sung his verse as good as me. He received the same reception that I did. He then continued with the course, “you’re the one I want, you’re the one I need………yet I fail to give what you really desire. You’re my everything, you’re all I want to see………so I’m asking you to marry me.” I began my second verse.
“I never loved any one in my life………so that makes you my first, you my last………so I gotta make sure I do it right………every girl I see, I don’t even want………since I have you to give me what I need………for I………never felt happiness, till I felt your skin………and you………make love cost not a thang, except this diamond ring.” I paused due to another positive reception and then continued with the 2nd part, “I wanna make you a happy girl………but the only way, I can do that………you have to say yes to me right now………every time my heart beats, that’s love I feel………keeps me in check when I’m in doubt………for I………never thought happiness would be this good………and you………could have anything, even the world.” I received another reception and continued with the course, “you’re the one I want, you’re the one I need………yet I fail to give what you really desire. You’re my everything, you’re all I want to see………so I’m asking you to marry me.” I received yet another warm reception and watched Will as he continued with his 2-part 2nd verse.
“I never had a kiss that meant so much………for the way it feels, it’s so unreal………now I gotta make sure I stay alive………every thing we do, and the things you say………keeps the negativity at bay………for I………never had happiness, till the day we kissed………and you………made it possible with the things you do.” He paused as he received a beautiful reception. He then continued with his 2nd part. “I wanna be with you more than anything………since the day we spoke, I nearly choked………now I have the words to say what I feel………every cent I made, I would give away………if you wanted that, I wouldn’t 2nd guess………for I………never dreamed happiness would be glamorous………and you………don’t want to experience life without me.” He received another warm reception and continued with the course, “you’re the one I want, you’re the one I need………yet I fail to give what you really desire. You’re my everything, you’re all I want to see………so I’m asking you to marry me.”
We then sung the course together, “You’re the one I want, you’re the one I need………yet I fail to give what you really desire. You’re my everything, you’re all I want to see………so I’m asking you to marry me.”
I then went solo for a hot sec, “I’m asking you to marry me!”
Then Will, “I’m asking you to marry me!”
 We held on to our last notes and then stopped. The beat ended and everyone gave us a standing ovation. Will and I walked over to our ladies and got down on one knee. I looked into Monique’s eyes. She was definitely in tears. I smiled and pulled out the box that had her ring.
“So how bout it baby girl?” I said softly. “May I have the pleasure of being your husband?”
She covered her mouth as I unveiled the ring. It was solid trianium that had a big ass diamond heart in the center and smaller diamonds surrounding; one on the left and one on the right. If shown in sunlight, you’ll blind the hell outta somebody. Retail cost: 9.58 million dollars. That’s close to 5 million dollars more then I spent on Ma’s birthday present. Anyway, Monique and Beyonce looked at each other and then back at us. Tears fell down her cheek.
“Yes, Kenny, I’ll marry you. Without a doubt in my mind.”
I smiled and put the ring on her finger. It fit perfectly. We kissed and hugged. The entire restaurant gave us a standing ovation. Champagne bottles were popped, wine bottles were popped, and everyone was happy. As I held Monique in my arms, I could feel tears fall onto my shirt.
“Kenny, may I ask you something?” She said.
“What made you finally propose?”
“You. I was ready to do this for a while, but I wasn’t sure if you were. Then you told me that you wanted this. Are you surprised?”
“Extremely. I didn’t think you’d do it.”
“I see. Now you know better than to make a request like that.” She smiled and kissed me.

Word quickly got around about our proposal. Every single news channel was talking about it even ESPN mentioned it a few times. School was the same way. The entire world knew that I was no longer an eligible bachelor. The entire world knew that Will was no longer an eligible bachelor. Time began to pass since that day we proposed. The date we set was for May 28th, 3 days after graduation. It was amazing how quickly it arrived.
We found out on the same night we proposed, C-Lo and DT were already engaged to their wives to be. Will and I were the slow ones. SO what we decided to do was have a combined wedding. This thing was goin to be huge. What better place to have it than the C-Town Coliseum. The arena was goin to be filled with guests, family, friends, and fans. That’s a lot of people. We all had our own colors. I, of course, had all white, Will had on all black, C-Lo had on all red, and DT had on all blue. The girls all had on white with at least a part corresponding to their mate’s color. Seats were filled in all the way to the nosebleed. The chairs were filled in with family and friends. Since our normal best men were getting married, we each used our brother. KJ was mine, Terrell was Will’s, Frost was C-Lo’s, and Post was DT’s. We were all ready and waiting on our fiancées. When the music hit, our ladies appeared. All were 7 months pregnant. Mr. Williams looked like a pimp with pregnant hoes, escorting both Monique and Beyonce. The way we were organized was DT, me, Will and then C-Lo. When the girls reached us, the minister began. He said a quick prayer and then it was on and poppin.
“Andre Thompson, Kenneth Johnson, William Smith and Chris Lopez, do y’all take Yvonne Edwards, Monique Williams, Beyonce Williams, and Latoya Johnson as y’all lawfully wedded wives, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, through the rough and the smooth, till death do y’all part?”
At the same time we replied, “Fa shizzle.” He looked at us weird and continued.
“Yvonne, Monique, Beyonce, and Latoya, do y’all take Andre, Kenny, Will, and Chris as y’all lawfully wedded husbands, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, through the rough and the smooth, till death do y’all part?”
At the same time they replied, “I do.”
“If anyone rejects the unions of these four couples, speak now or forever hold your peace.” No one said anything. We smiled. “I know pronounce you four couples, husband and wife. Gentlemen, you may kiss your brides.” In unison, we kissed our brides. Everyone cheered and took pictures. Hand-in-hand, we all got into separate limos and headed to a surprise location.
“Where are we goin?” Monique asked me.
“Home.” I told her.
“Who’s? Mine or yours?”
We pulled up at the location. I had a blindfold across her eyes. We got out the car and approached the property. The eight of us stood together. Will, C-Lo and DT also had their new wives blindfolded. We counted to three and took off the blindfold. They were all speechless. The house we made blueprints for was created. The courtyard was huge and the garage was able to fit all the cars we had and will get. We all went inside with the access codes that Dad gave me. Inside was even better. The size of the place was incomparable. Monique, Latoya, Yvonne, and Beyonce loved the place. Monique and I went onto our floor.
“Did your man come through or did he come through?” I gloated.
“He came through alright. When did you do all this?”
“I don’t remember. Will and I did the design and everything.”
“Modeled after your parent’s house, I see.”
“Of course. I have trucks on the way to furnish this place. They should be here any minute.”
“Damn, Kenny, you are the man.” She embraced me and smothered me with kisses.
“You, Toya, Von, and Beyonce will handle the decorations, ok?”
“Sure.” I kissed her one last time and went downstairs. Will, C-Lo, and DT were outside drinking a beer and waiting on the trucks. I joined them. Shortly after, the trucks arrived and we had a lot of work to do.

Two months past since we’ve moved in. We still haven’t finished sorting and arranging things to the way we want it. Keep in mind we’ve been goin at this for 18 hours a day, every day. It’s not like we have a job to go to. It was August 21st, 2103 at about 1:25 pm that the weirdest thing happened. Well, the weirdest and the happiest moment in all our lives. As we were setting up the Theater Room, DT made a loud noise when he accidentally dropped one of the recliners. This set off our pregnant wives right into labor. Not just one, but all four of them. We all got into our own cars and sped to the hospital. Ma was there and she had the best doctors in the hospital help. Will and I were in the same delivery rooms, and DT and C-Lo were in the same delivery room. Will and I had on the doctor outfit and stayed by their sides. I decided to take a quick peak of what was goin on.
“Oh, so that’s what it looks like when you give birth.” I said. Monique was in serious pain. I attended her and made the mistake of holding her hand. Good thing I took off my class ring that was on this hand. It would have hurt. “Breath, baby, breath.” I said, thinking I was helping.
“Oh my god!!! I just had to have a baby!!!” She yelled in pain.
“I’m sorry, but you’re the woman. A very sexy woman, that naturally gives birth to children. If there was a way I could do it, I still wouldn’t.” I said.
“Kenny, you did this to me and for that, you owe me.”
“I know, and I thought about how to pay you back.”
“Make another one.”
“What?” She then was even more in pain. She was close to being done. All she had to do was get one good push. I was so into it, I started pushing myself……….that caused me to fart. It was loud and it was goin to stank. Everyone smelled it. I looked around.
“Ummm…it was you.” I said pointing to the doctor. When Monique screamed, attention was back towards her. She pushed again and this time the baby came out.
“Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson.” The doctor said, “you have a beautiful baby girl.”
“How bout that? We have a girl.” I said, proudly. The doctor handed her to Monique. Monique held her in her arms. The baby was 6 lbs 4 ounces, and 20” long. I kissed Monique gently on the lips and looked at our creation.
“She looks so much like you.” Monique commented.
“She has your gorgeous eyes.” I said.
“But everything else is you.”
“Maybe.” We then heard another set of cries. I looked across the room and saw Will’s face light up as he saw his baby. “They have a girl too.” I told Monique. C-Lo and DT ran in and both yelled at the same time.
“WE HAVE GIRLS!!!!” Will and I yelled back. We gave each other high-fives and went back to what we were doin.
“So what should we name her?” She asked me.
“I was thinking about Annetta.” I suggested.
“I was thinking Tierra.” She suggested. We looked at each other and came up with a solution. “Ok, let’s go with Tierra Annetta Johnson.”
“Sounds good.” We kissed again.
“Wanna hold her?”

“Without a doubt.” I held her in my arms. She looked so comfortable as to feel extremely safe in my arms. I had a smile that had to be surgically removed. My dream has come true. I’ve fallen in love with a gorgeous woman, married that woman, and had a daughter. Life is good and can’t get any better………………


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