Stories and Poems


It is what it is, can’t do anything about it…

Stare at the ceiling, smothered in silence and darkness…

Last conversation pops into my mind along with my tamed reaction…

Chained to my past while being cuffed to my infatuations…

Losing the battle to minimize my internal frustrations…

What has me so agitated, relentlessly seeking favorable relations…

Desires and temptations; enhancing every trivial sensation…

Eyes no longer looking forward, but oscillating every other direction…

Movements stopped, held down by my own projection…


It is what it is, can’t do anything about it…

Stare at the wall, enchanted by birds and daylight…

Last conversation remains in my head when I snapped out of spite…

Released from my shackles of passiveness to argue that I’m right…

Losing the battle to stay silent; nah, I’m good on another fight…

What has me so calm, relentlessly staying quite the whole night…

Respect and understanding; neglecting my very plight…

Eyes looking forward, but ignoring everything in my sight…

Movements resume, unfavorably slow as my chest gets a little tight…


It is what it is, can’t do anything about it…

Stare at my hands, disturbed by the tears and the screech…

Last conversation hurt my head along with my ability to speak…

Strapped down by emotion that chooses now to peak…

Losing the battle to prevent an inevitable confidence leak…

What has me so hurt, relentlessly wiping tears from my cheeks…

Love and affection; remaining what I will always seek…

Eyes completely shut, but focused on the next time we shall meet…

Movements restricted, limited as my body begins to overheat…


It is what it is, can’t do anything about it…

Even if I could, it wouldn’t be worth it…

Love to say you’re at fault, but unwilling to give you credit…

Words continue to reach me as my passive becomes aggressive…

Heart skips a beat; anger and aggression begin to lessen…

Unable to hold a grudge, recovery stemming from us textin…

Rushing for an answer, some form of conclusion would provide a lesson…

Yet it is what it is, can’t do anything about it…

That’s what I tell myself as I pull myself out of this shit…

It is what it is, and I am what I am; nonchalant and way too passive…


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