Stories and Poems

Doubtless (Poem)


You feel it, don’t you? Those many impulses doubting your decision.
You want to change your mind, yet at the same time you don’t…
It bothers you….It haunts you… Makes you doubt everything…
Maybe you don’t want to move on…. Maybe you’re afraid of change
I know you’re scared of what lies ahead….It’s natural and expected…
But I have faith in you to pull through because you’re stronger than you think
You may not want to be alone, but you do agree this is best…
You’ve been overwhelmed with guilt for no reason….
Each passing moment brings you closer to changing your mind.
With no hidden agenda, I just want to assure you that I’m on your side…
I’m here for you beyond what you think because I’ve been where you are….
I’ve wrestled with the python of doubt only to succumb to the poison time and time again
In fact, I have more than one of those deadly bites..
Each time, the doubt takes part of your soul…
But why? Why does doubt consume so much of one’s being?
The doubt is just you finding reasons not to change your way of life
The doubt, deep down, is a justification for someone else’s wrong doing.
The first reaction is usually the right one…
You made your necessary decision, now I will do what I can to keep you doubtless…..


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