Stories and Poems

No title (Poem)

Point of no return, meaningless squabbles of the heart
Sifting through the sand, losing sight of who I am
The rain falls with incredible force; raindrops of intensity
My mind feels scrambled, maybe more like pureed
My fingers feel numb; it’d be a shame for us to end this way
There’s a muddy outlook; it’s still buried in the sand
I pause; I fail to breathe in even as I begin to fall out
Dragged through the Earth, please let me be
I can’t handle this, I just want to sleep
Pouring it out, feeling the difference in your aura
To say I’m lost is an understatement, equal to you being decent looking
The moment of clarity, the moment of truth
If I’m to perish, my own influx in my disparities must be magnified
It’s a clinical thought, maybe commitment would help
Heart ache becomes heart attack, but no enemy in site

Happiness suicide, it’s the end result of mental nonsense


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